Planning & Land Use Office Address

Santa Fe City Hall
200 Lincoln Ave., 1st Floor
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Closed from M-F 12 pm-1 pm, Saturday, Sunday & most Federal holidays

Mailing Address

City of Santa Fe
Land Use Department
P. O. Box 909
Santa Fe, NM 87504-0909

Getting Down to Business - Short-Term Rentals, Business Licensing, and Code Enforcement

Conference wednesday, March 19th
8 am - Noon

Santa Fe Community Convention Center - Coronado Room

Book your seat: click here.


The Planning and Land Use Department’s third community engagement event, Getting Down to Business, highlights the Enforcement Division's work.

This half-day event will cover

  • issuing business licenses
  • renewals
  • inspecting & permitting short-term rentals
  • enforcing & complying with city codes. 

The keynote speaker, Trevor Vaughn, Manager of Licensing from the City of Aurora, Colorado, has played a key role in developing and implementing regulatory projects in Aurora, including Colorado’s first local massage business licensing ordinance, short-term rental regulations, and proactive and collaborative enforcement measures to reduce and prevent crime in Aurora.  

The event will also feature presentations and discussions on the City’s short-term rental ordinance, new monitoring software Avenu, business licensing processes, and code enforcement procedures. 

Please bring your questions and suggestions on how the City can better serve our business community.   

For persons with disabilities needing accommodations or translation services, please contact the City Clerk's office at 955-6521 five working days before the meeting date.

Are you in the loop?

The Santa Fe Planning & Land Use team has launched a seasonal newsletter—PLUS: Planning & Land Use Spotlight—to broadcast news and opportunities to our development community and the public. Subscribe below!

* indicates required


Click here to access the FrontDesk Appointment Webpage to Contact Department Staff.


The City of Santa Fe is initiating a review and update of the Land Development Code (LDC). The LDC establishes zoning districts, identifies allowed land uses, sets development and design standards, and lays out procedures for considering and approving development applications.

The goal of the project is to prepare a new LDC with clear and consistent regulations that are easy to understand and simple to administer. The project offers an opportunity for a comprehensive review of regulations that have been amended at various times over the years and will help ensure consistency and provide clear guidance so that development aligns with the community’s needs and desires for future growth.

Please visit the project website,, for information on upcoming events and to join the project mailing list.

Our Mission

The Planning and Land Use Department's mission is to provide expert land use, planning and development guidance, and regulation that supports the goals of the community.  The department achieves this by providing creative problem-solving and customer service-oriented support and administration related to the City's Land Development Code, building codes, and policies.  We do this with integrity, honesty, impartiality, and transparency while advancing equity and inclusion, information access and sharing, and community engagement opportunities.


The Planning and Land Use Department is charged with


Safeguarding the health, safety, and wellness of our community

This is achieved by processing Land Use activities through extensive coordination with customers, other City departments, external agencies and the community to review and approve planning and development activities within the City, by responding to community concerns, and by ensuring compliance with policies and regulations adopted to protect the health and safety of our community members.

Helping to shape a more sustainable and harmonious built environment for all residents

The department is actively engaged in promoting sound planning and development practices to steward our precious resources, protecting the rich history of our urban area, and envisioning the future through the implementation of forward-thinking policies and plans that result from inclusive conversations with the community.

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